Mark Moebius

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St. Louis West County Chapter Invites you to a chapter meeting to hear our guest speaker

Mark Moebius

Monday, Oct. 15, 2018. Meeting starts 7:00 PM-doors open 6:30 PM located at Lutheran Hour Ministries Bldg.

Open seating – Complimentary refreshments provided

No reservations required – More info. Call 314.965.7507

Mark Moebius lives in West County. Mark and his wife Dori have been married for 26 years and they have three daughters. When Mark was a DJ for a radio Station working nights for a period of 20 years he started a business called “ BLKBOX MARKETING”. Mark has been in that business since 1992.

Mark has a great and rewarding ministry called “Jireh Ministries, Safe Kids of MO”. Mark is the president of this ministry. It is located in Franklin County where homeless children are given a place to live and become responsible adults with a possible ministry of their own. These children are mentored and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ by host families.

A word from your President: Plan to attend and bring guest that needs something from the Lord. Children are welcome. God does the rest because HE sent HIS SON Jesus Christ to pay the price.

Ladies are welcome

Next month speaker: Monday Evening Nov.19, Dr. Larry Ollison. Pastor of Walk On The Water Church, Lake of the Ozarks

Dec. 17, Monday Evening meeting: Jamaica Mission Team Testimonies.

Directions to Lutheran Hour Ministries Bldg.
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Town and Country, Mo. 63141
Traveling East or West on I 64 (Hwy 40/61) exit at Mason Rd., turn North to North Outer Rd. Drive, turning right (East) on North Outer Rd. Drive to Mason Ridge Center Dr. (1st street east of Mason Rd.) Park in back of building & enter door marked “660”