Divided Heart

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Tom Shirley, Sr.  IFCB Chapter Coordinator Nationally
Divided Heart

Tom Shirley brought a message that truly was a word in due season for St. Louis.  He has invested in IFCB & believes as we do, that God is in control.  God is going to release some things for these last days. 

People are enslaved now, like never before.  He referenced the books of Joel & Acts.  He mentioned that we are going to have a renewed awakening as we heed signs & wonders.

The Holy Spirit can’t move if our hearts are divided.  We are then in spiritual trouble.  Are we sold out for God?  Are we too busy to do something for God, he asked.

There has been a foundation of evil built up for the last 60 years, however, be encouraged, for God  is moving.

Tom spoke encouraging words into several people in attendance.  All the ladies came forward and were prayed for by Walter Thorn, Tom Shirley and others.