History of the International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen


Michigan : August 1989

The directors of the IFCB were moved to pray and seek God regarding a businessmen’s organization that would be on the cutting edge in this, the beginning of the greatest of all revivals.

It was obvious that the birth of the IFCB was ordained of God and it was also recognized that the IFCB is not, and will not be the only organization in this new move. However the IFCB will be part of:

The revival that will usher in the “restitution and restoration: of the world”.

This revival will bring forth the new wine.

The Holy Spirit will once again put God’s people on the offensive.

They will conquer and bring back credibility and respect to His people.

St. Louis, Missouri: September 1989

This same group met and humbled themselves in prayer. After sharing ideas and insights, the group retired for the evening. That night one of the directors received the following vision:

The Vision

During the night I was awakened and was in a semi-sleep condition. I beheld the throne of God with a crowd of people gathered around, all standing at attention. I recognized that a meeting had been held in heaven, and as God sat on the throne He said,

“Bring forth the agenda.” A large scroll was unrolled and stopped at a place toward the end called, “Today in Time.”

God then spoke and said, ”It is time! I have men of vision, not plagued by former things. They will have insight into my agenda.

They will be men of valor…Fearless, bold, aggressive. They will look like lions but have hearts like lambs.

These men will attract and find favor with great leaders of our time.

My agenda is already understood by many: however, it is understood more by national and political leaders than religious.

There will be a new breed of a different spirit-confident and strong, yet gentle. They will be unmovable. Strength mixed with gentleness. Loving and caring. They will not appear to be super-religious or over-spiritual.

These men will be moved by the agenda. They will walk on the earth as men of destiny, problem-solvers, pacesetters operating in wisdom, motivated by My agenda, not seeking approval of the former.”

God then said that “the next years will involve major changes. The world kingdoms will deteriorate, and there will be a rise of Christianity world-wide. The world will come to the Christians for answers.”

This was the beginning of our Fellowship! Our goal is to continue the work of the Lord until Jesus returns.