Are you too busy?

Too busy establishing a career, choosing a mate, building a family and accumulating things, many men go through life with several acquaintances, but few real men they can count on, especially when the chips are down. Again, because of our fast-paced society, most men don’t have an opportunity or setting to develop close personal friendships outside of business, professional and surface relationships. Because of this, most men have a friendship deficit. Nearly everyone has his buddy group, but few men have the kinds of friends who encourage them and genuinely care about their welfare with no strings attached.

For this reason, the International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen (IFCB) has provided a platform for developing meaningful friendships with other men. This setting is called The Roundtable. During this weekly one-hour meeting, which may or may not be held around a meal, men have time to fellowship with one another and have fun, gaining a sense of belonging and community with their peers.

Roundtable provides a place where they may gain unconditional understanding and acceptance, a place where they can let it all hang out, be transparent and vulnerable. The Roundtable provides the forum for developing relationships with men who will hang in there with a man no matter what his circumstances.

Don’t let the name, International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen fool you. The IFCB is not a church organization. It is a group of men who genuinely care about one another.

Do you feel that a group of men who really care about your welfare might be worth an hour a week of your time? You may or may not be in crisis, but you may just feel detached, going through the motions, not really enjoying your life or getting anything out of it. Maybe you are seeking a sense of significance and don’t know how to find it. Wherever you are in life, The Roundtable is for you.

Find a Roundtable meeting your area.