Walter Thorn

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St. Louis West County Chapter Invites you to a chapter meeting to hear our guest speaker

Walter Thorn

Monday, May 21, 2018. Meeting starts 7:00 PM-doors open 6:30 PM located at Lutheran Hour Ministries Bldg.

Open seating – Complimentary refreshments provided

No reservations required – More info. Call 314.965.7507

Walter Thorn is the National President of IFCB and the President of the West County Chapter of IFCB. This meeting will be testimonies from Walter and some of the team members of the 31 seven day mission trips to Jamaica. The airlifts (IFCB’s version of mission trips) were from a time period of June 1994 thru 2008 when the baton was passed over to Fay and Everett Griffith for the last 10 years. Since IFCB is taking a trip Dec. 5th 2018, for 1 week I thought you would like to hear some of the signs and wonders testimonies from myself and the past team members. This is a life changing mission trip and this meeting will reflect some great and mighty answers to a lot of needs in audience. These are always powerful meetings and even if you’re not joining in on the trip it’s a great meeting to attend.

A word from your President – Need something from the Lord? Know someone who needs something from the Lord? Come, bring them. God will do the rest. This is a meeting you don’t want to miss.

Ladies are welcome

Notice-Next month’s meeting, Monday Evening, June 18, 2018

IFCB National Conference Banquet meeting is Saturday evening, July 28, 2018, 6:00PM at Lake St. Louis Banquet Center. Put that date on your calendar to attend. Todd Akin is our featured speaker.

Directions to Lutheran Hour Ministries Bldg.
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Town and Country, Mo. 63141
Traveling East or West on I 64 (Hwy 40/61) exit at Mason Rd., turn North to North Outer Rd. Drive, turning right (East) on North Outer Rd. Drive to Mason Ridge Center Dr. (1st street east of Mason Rd.) Park in back of building & enter door marked “660”