Why be a Member of IFCB?

“IFCB means a great deal to me. I am living because of the IFCB. No, they didn’t heal me of cancer, but they introduced me to the healing power of our Lord and Jesus Christ. The members and their spouses are the most sincere and kind group of people I have ever met.”


Men value relationships with other men and because they do, it has long been their practice to gather casually and in small social groups. Most often, from the time he is young, a man chooses those men whom he admires, respects and wants to emulate. As a man grows older he is wise to pick and choose his friends carefully. Both young and older men enjoy talking about topics of interest with other men to whom they feel they can relate, and with whom they can communicate. They value their advice, opinions and encouragement. These men sometimes become a buddy group, the bunch they spend time with on a fairly regular basis.

A classic example is the local coffee shop group. This group of men doesn’t always have a precise meeting time, but a general rule of thumb is the crowd that shows up between 7:00 and 7:30 A.M. to have impromptu discussions about various issues such as those revolving around their families, businesses, professions, communities, hobbies, etc. If the group accepts a man and makes him feel like a part of the crowd, he looks forward to these opportunities and will make the effort to be there. That day he gets up earlier than usual and leaves the house early enough to have time to sit down and talk for thirty minutes or an hour before going to work.

Another buddy group is the usual lunch crowd. These men who usually work together meet weekly and enjoy the camaraderie of their peers talking about anything and everything.

Men On The Move

Together we can do more than we can alone, and together we can accomplish goals that are impossible alone. The Bible provides a great example of synergism in Leviticus 26:8. It promises:

“Five of you will chase a hundred and a hundred of you will put ten thousand to flight.”

There is strength in numbers.

The IFCB was founded and will continue for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission as stated in the Holy Bible (Matthew 28:18-20). Our vision is to establish and develop a worldwide Christian Business and Professional Men’s organization with MEN OF DESTINY who desire to be pace setters and world changers, excelling in all aspects of life and business.

The commitment to satisfy this vision will be reflected in our effort to assist Business and Professional Men in acquiring and sharing God’s principles and benefits of business and personal excellence.

Our members and ministry activity will accept the results as seen in the marketplace as qualification that we are fulfilling our vision. God-given insight and guidance, and effective communication will continually provide many leadership advantages enabling successful growth.