The Power of Surrounding yourself with Warriors

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As we enter the world and culture of business in its myriad of shapes and sizes, we often feel as a wanderer, much I am sure like Abraham felt as he wandered the desert waiting to see the new land, God had prepared for him.

Daily, we walk along our chosen path–(both chosen by God and by our skills) and we enter prayed up and full of faith and expectation. Yet, somehow we feel different than we did on Sunday as we worshiped.

The culture of business is not unlike the culture of a foreign land, even to the point of having a different language, different methods, and different goals.

When we take the time to find like minded fellow warriors it can be a blessing of rest and replenishment. Find an IFCB chapter meeting and or roundtable near you–you will find fellow warriors who will agree with you in prayer and share their battlefield stories that will lift you up and prepare you for the days and weeks ahead.

Robert Schreiber