Cairo High School Outreach

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On December 3, 2015, several members of the St. Louis Chapter of IFCB traveled to Cairo, Illinois at the request of the Supertindent of Schools. She had witnessed the community outreach that was done in the fall of 2014 by IFCB, where many of the children received book bags, bikes and other items needed for a successful school year.

The purpose of this all school assembly was to share Christian business principles through the sharing of testimonies by IFCB members. Their were 2 groups that were addressed. One was 9th and 10th grade students and the other was 11th and 12th grades.

The assembly began with the music of “Mynista”, a christian rap artist who also shared his powerful testimony with the kids. He was followed by several IFCB speakers who shared with the students their experiences as an executive in corporate life, working as a captain in the Fire Department and an Entrepreneur who shared the challenges of running a successful small business.

The students were engaged and appreciative of all who shared their christian testimonies and how it helped them be successful in their personal and professional lives.

It was a true blessing to share Jesus and how he can help in both business and education and sharing the challenges of business and careers and understanding that success can follow anyone if we just follow the Master.